Sunday, December 4, 2011

The most wonderfull time of the year...

Its December, its summer and we are almost on holiday. This has been a very timultious year with wonderfull ups and sad downs. I have built something and lost someone. At the end, as one looks back on what was, one must not fall into the trap of living in the past, but must look forward to what will be. This is not easy to do and one can feel very isolated and scared. But beginings are scary and endings usually sad, but its the middle part that matters most.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I can see St Michaels from here...!

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) wrote at the bottom of the last page of his last symphony “Es Muss Sein”, in a childlike hand, which translates as “It Must Be”, a few hours before he died. It is not wildly known why he did this peculiar thing, although some scholars have linked it to a great feud he had with a friend of his. The great composer wrote this at the edge of change, on the eve of a new reality. That is where we find ourselves this day, on the eve of a new reality, the reality of Second-Year marrying into the family of Things Past and the dawn of Third-Year. This sounds dismal but is in fact not so. As we brace ourselves against the onslaught of examiners and tricky CTD questions, a .01 uni pen fine liner that doesn’t walk the line and a Caddie program that refuses to open a specific drawing (mere spitefulness for it knows exactly where said program is located), we look back on practicals with a fond farewell. Academic bloc 3 (sounds like a suburb in Stalinist Moscow) is upon us! IT MUST BE. Portfolio submissions: IT MUST BE! And hopefully a well deserved summer holiday: IT MUST BE. So, three cheers for a year of doubt, worry, confusion, information, experience and site visits. Third-Year is only a submission away. IT MUST BE!       

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pushing towards Bloc

We are almost at our third and final bloc. These last few weeks are speeding towards summer time and I must confess that I am looking forward to it immensly. In the past week I have done 3 full measurings and am litterly up to my neck in work but, its better than to sit and do nothing.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

September ending.

This year is just flying past. It almost seems that its speeding up as Christmas is approaching. The FIRM is starting to receive phone calls from prospective 2nd year students and one finds it difficult to believe that practical year is slipping into history.
I had the excellent opportunity to study sustainable designs this week and am excited about implementing those ideas into my own design processes and constructions.
Doing this MIP reasearch project is a watershed moment in my education and I am humbled by the widening of my intelectual horizons.